The 13th Nordic conference on child abuse and neglect. 1. Announcement!
We are proud to announce that the 13th Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect will take place in wonderful Copenhagen May 25th – 28th 2025. The theme of the conference is “Resilience and Trauma – Responsibility and Hope”, and addresses Detection, Interventions and Challenges, for Children and Youth with Traumatic Experiences in the Nordic Countries. […]
Vinner av NFBOs oppgavekonkurranse 2023
Susanne Agorander og Isabelle Lanér fra Karlstads Universitet er vinnere av årets konkurranse! Vi gratulerer, og ser frem til å møte vinnerne i Reykjavik i mai hvor de vil presentere sin oppgave! Oppgavejuryen skriver i sin begrunnelse: NFBO fick intressanta, angelägna och välskrivna bidrag till NFBO:s uppsatstävling och vi i uppsatsjuryn har haft en kvalificerad […]
NFBO Reykjavik 2023: Preliminary program is published
View the preliminay program here: Additional information Program (
Innkalling til NFBO Generalforsamling 2023
Den kommende generalforsamling i NFBO finner sted i Reykjavik den 23. mai kl. 16.15 på Hilton Reykjavik Nordica. Dagsorden: 1: Valg av møteleder 2: Valg av møtesekretær 3: Godkjenning av innkalling til møtet 4: Styrelsens virksomhetsberetning 5: Regnskapsberetning 6: Revisionsberetning 7: Spørsmål om ansvarfrihet for styret 8: Medlemsavgift for 2023-2025 9: Handlingsplan for 2023-2025 10: […]
NFBO Conference: Abstract deadline extended until February 10th 2023
Still some time to submit your abstract for the 12th NFBO conference in Reykjavik! Abstract submission deadline has been extended to February 10th! Read more and submit your abstract here: NFBO (
NFBO Essay contest: Deadline extended until January 20th!
NFBO invites college or university level students to an essay contest Deadline: 20.01.2023 NFBO calls for students in the Nordic countries to enter their thesis on relevant topics in our essay contest. We call for both bachelor and master-level theses submitted during 2021 or 2022. The following are examples of disciplines that supports our interdisciplinary […]
Bestyrelsemøde 13.05.2022 Reykjavík
Bestyrelsesmøde den 13. og 14. maj 2022 Mødet blev holdt i Reykjavik hos Barna- og fjölskyldustofa (Børne og familieenheden) Til stede Steen Hansen, Danmark. Djóni Eidesgaard, Færøerne. Hrefna Friðriksdóttir, Þóra Kemp og Gun- nar Sandholt, Island. Gertrud Sofie Hafstad og Linda Kvalvik, Norge. Carolina Jernbro, Johanna Thulin og Carl Göran Svedin, Sverige. Summary The most […]
The 12th Nordic conference on child abuse and neglect. Save the date!
We are happy to announce the 12 th Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect which will take place in beautiful Reykavik in Iceland May 21st -24th 2023. The conference theme “Children in a digital world – Opportunities and challenges”, and addresses one of the top NFBO priorities in our current action plan. We are so […]
NFBO Essay contest
NFBO invites college or university level students to an essay contest Deadline: 20.01.2023 NFBO calls for students in the Nordic countries to enter their thesis on relevant topics in our essay contest. We call for both bachelor and master-level theses submitted during 2021 or 2022. The following are examples of disciplines that supports our interdisciplinary […]
Virtual symposium on addressing and preventing child maltreatment across agencies
Think about child protection teams and Barnahus settings where professionals interact on known instances of suspected child abuse. What can we learn from quality science in healthcare that can be applied in multidisciplinary contexts? Program: Barnafrid CQI symposium 20211008_eng The whole-day symposium is free of charge, and is certain to be of interest among a broad […]