The 10th Nordic Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect 20th – 22nd August, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands In the Best Interests of the Child: Rhetoric or Reality?
On the behalf of NASPCAN (the Nordic Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) we invite you to the 10th Nordic conference in Tórshavn on the Faroe Islands. The theme of the conference is In the Best Interest of the Child: Rhetoric or Reality? We have a number of significant key-speakers that will talk […]
NFBO’s 9th Congress in Stockholm, 2016: Gör vi en skillnad för utsatta barn?
Program and abstract booklet nfbos-9th-congress-2016-stockholm.-program.
NFBO’s 4th Congress in Malmö, 2006: Tidig intervention vid misshandel och övergrepp
Program and abstract booklet nfbos-4th-congress-2006-malm.-program-and-abstracts
NFBO’s 3rd Congress in Turku, 2004: Neglect and Prevention
Program and abstract booklet: nfbos-3rd-congress-2004-bo-turku-programe-and-abstracts
NFBO’s 8th Congress in Nuuk, 2014: Children’s voices
Program and abstract booklet nfbos-8th-congress-2014-nuuk.-program-and-abstracts Pictures from the congress
NFBO’s 2nd Congress in Oslo, 2002
NFBO’s 7th Congress in Bergen, 2012: Barnemishandling og omsorgssvikt i et krysskulturelt perspektiv
Program and abstract booklet nfbos-7th-congress-2012-bergen.-program-and-abstracts.pdf
NFBO’s 6th Congress in Copenhagen, 2010: Samfund i forandring – børn og unge i klemme?
Program and abstract booklet nfbos-6th-congress-2010-copenhagen.-program-and-abstracts
NFBO’s 5th Congress in Reykjavik, 2008: Child neglect: Needs, obligations, responsibility
Conference program nfbos-5th-congress-2008-reykjavik.-program