On the behalf of NASPCAN (the Nordic Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) we invite you to the 10th Nordic conference in Tórshavn on the Faroe Islands. The theme of the conference is In the Best Interest of the Child: Rhetoric or Reality? We have a number of significant key-speakers that will talk about the theme, about trauma and hidden wounds, about poly-victimization, prevention and early intervention and questions for the future, what can be improved. In addition to invited speakers we expect to receive lots of abstract from every Nordic country, reporting on clinical experiences as well as research, that will be presented during the conference. There will also be plenty of time for the important informal exchange among colleagues across the Nordic countries.
This year we celebrate the 20th anniversary on the Nordic Association for Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect. It may be doubtful to celebrate that the work with vulnerable children is persistent and continues. Yet we believe NASPCAN has contributed by improving awareness and practice in the work with children who need societal support and a better future across the Nordic countries. We hope you will join us to celebrate improvements in the field of child abuse and neglect in, in beautiful Tórshavn in August 20-22.
Warm welcome,
Cecilia Kjellgren, Chair of NASPCAN
Sunday August 19th
17:30 – 21:30 Registration and pre-conference followed by an Ice Breaker at the Nordic House in Tórshavn.
Room: Høllin, Language: Norwegian
18:00 Pre-conference presentation: Kari Killén: Behovet for en helhetlig differensiert tilnærming til omsorgssvikt og overgrep.
Kari Killén has a long experience as a clinician and a researcher in the field of child abuse and neglect. Kari Killén initiated the establishing of NASPCAN and is former president of ISPCAN. She works as trainer and consultant and has written a number of books on child abuse and neglect.
19:30 Ice Breaker at the Nordic House in Tórshavn.
Monday August 20th
08:00 – 09:00 Registration and coffee
Room: Høllin, Language: Swedish/Danish/Norwegian
09:00 – 09:25 Welcome – Chair of NFBO, Cecilia Kjellgren, former president of ISPCAN, Kari Killén and the Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands, Aksel Vilhelmson Johannesen.
09:25 – 09:40 A Song…
09:40 – 10:40 Keynote presentation: Elisabeth Gording Stang: «Trenger vi et barneperspektiv i jussen?»
10:40 – 11:10 Break
11:10 Poster session is open throughout the conference
- The physical health impact of childhood violence: An epidemiological study on physical health complaints in adolescents and young adults who have experienced multiple types of child abuse. (#30). Janne Rueness, Mia Cathrine Myhre, Ida Frugård Strøm, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, Grete Dyb, Siri Thoresen
- Hur kan vi prata om våld med barn som har kommunikationssvårigheter? (#41). Ylva Edling, Ingrid Mattsson Müller, Amanda Nyberg
11:10 – 12:10 Parallel workshops
Room: Skálin, Oral presentation. Language: English/Swedish
- Implementation of a Child protection team structure in Västra Götalandsregion Sweden (#31). Godfried van Agthoven, Johanna Räntfors, Ulla Strandner, Lina Ljung Roseke
- Development of Barnahus in Scandinavia. Experiences from Iceland, Greenland and Denmark (#34). Lene Mosegaard Søbjerg & Alice Thams Fredsgaard.
- Interventioner för att främja psykisk hälsa hos barn till föräldrar som har kontakt med vuxenpsykiatrin (#10). Gisela Priebe
Room: Norðurstova, Symposium. Language: Swedish
“Barn i barnahus”
Chair: Maria Kläfverud
- Förväntningar på barn och trygghetspersoner i samband med barnahusbesök (#48). Maria Kläfverud
- Barn i barnahus (#59). Maria Kläfverud & Ann-Margreth E. Olsson
- Barnahus ur socialsekreterares perspektiv (#61). Ann-Margreth E. Olsson
- Barns hälsa och delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar i samband med Barn i Barnahus (#62). Ann-Margreth E. Olsson
Room: Dansistovan, Workshops. Language: English
- Educating social workers as part of a national strategy for tackling child sexual abuse (#6). Kevin Anthony Perry.
- Intervening with partner-abusive men as fathers: how to ensure priority of the child’s best interest (#32). Henning Mohaupt
Room: Høllin, Symposium. Language: Danish
”De danske børnehuse” (#47)
Chair: Merete Bonde Jørgensen.
- Status på den danske børnehusmodel fem år efter etableringen, Merete Bonde Jørgensen & Lea Selsing
- Implementering af den danske børnehusmodel i praksis, Kim Risom Rasmussen
- Børns oplevelser af at komme i et børnehus, Ditte Askerod
12:10 – 13:10 Lunch break
13:10 – 14:10 Parallel workshops
Room: Skálin, Workshops. Language: Swedish/Danish
- Hur får vi det att fungera på riktigt? Stöd och behandling efter våld och sexuella övergrepp (#24). Bengt Söderström, Christine Senter, Elisabet Kjellander, Helena Asplund Carlqvist, Jenny Stigmer and Monika Quadt.
- Hur kan vi prata om våld med barn som har kommunikationssvårigheter? (#40) Ylva Edling, Ingrid Mattson Müller, Amanda Nyberg
Room: Norðurstova, Oral presentations. Language: Swedish/Norwegian
- Streben etter en voldsfri hverdag. Voldsnarrativer om barndommen (#8). Agnete Bersvendsen
- Mammor som slår (#13). Carl Göran Svedin
- Fysisk barnmisshandel – kan vi förhindra fortsatt våld mot barn? Resultat från den svenska effektut-värderingen av behandlingsmetoden KIBB (#18). Johanna Thulin, Cecilia Kjellgren, Doris Nilsson
Room: Dansistovan, Oral presentation and Workshop. Language: Swedish/Danish
- Mit liv? Din beslutning? – Perspektiv/er på børns deltagelses muligheder i kommunale beslutningsprocesser om deres liv (#63). Mimi Petersen (Workshop)
- Information for children at shelters – Films as a possible tool (#64). Wanja Sæther (Oral Presentation)
Room: Høllin, Symposium. Language: English
- Failure and betrayal” – The report from the Norwegian Governmental Child Violence Committee (#9). Dag Nordanger, Arne Kristian Myhre, Unni Heltne, Ståle Luther, Ahmad Ghanizadeh & Ann-Kristin Olsen
14:10 – 14:30 Break
14:30 – 15:30 Keynote presentation: Professor David Finkelhor, University of New Hampshire: “Thirty years with sexual abuse – lesson learned and future challenges including the importance of the Internet”.
15:30 – 16:00 Break
16:00 – 17:00 NASPCAN general assembly, Høllin
17:30 – 18:30 Visit to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department and Barnahus.
19:00 – 22:00 Conference Dinner at Hotel Føroyar
Tuesday August 21st
08:00 – 09:00 Registration and coffee
Room: Høllin.
09:00 – 10:00 Keynote presentation: Christine Heim, Charité University, Berlin: “Understanding and Mitigating the Impact of Childhood Trauma on Disease Risk: Towards Developmental Programming of Lifelong Health”.
10:00 – 10:20 Presentation of NASPCAN Essay Contest winners: Jana Kristin Maack and Anita Stokka Kåven
10:20 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:00 Parallel workshops
Room: Skálin, Oral presentations. Languages: Swedish/Norwegian
- Fra tannvern til barnevern? (#50). Ingfrid Vaksdal Brattabø
- Tillit till föräldraförmåga säkerställer inte barnens tandhälsa (#36). Therese Kvist
- Barnehusenes arbeid med oppfølging av barn (#17). Lotte Cathrin Andersen.
Room: Norðurstova, Oral presentations, Langauge: English
- Children’s disclosures of physical and sexual abuse in a population based sample (#37). Hanna-Mari Lahtinen
- Childhood violence and long-term consequences: Three lessons learned from a longitudinal study (#19). Siri Thoresen, Ida Frugård Strøm, Helene Flood Aakvaag, Marianne Skogbrott Birkeland
- Shame predicts revictimization in victims of childhood violence. A prospective study of a general Norwegian population sample (#23). Helene Flood Aakvaag, Siri Thoresen, PhD, Ida Frugård Strøm, Mia Myhre, Ole Kristian Hjemdal.
Room: Dansistovan, Workshop. Language: Swedish
- Grubbel – stödgrupp online för barn och unga vars föräldrar har missbruksproblem och/eller psykisk ohälsa (#3). Catarina Nylund.
- Teaching Recovery Techniques – en evidenbaserad metod i arbete med barn och unga med traumasymptom (#15). Sofia Grönkvist
Room: Høllin, Symposium. Language: English
Sex as self-injury (SASI). (#49).
Chair: Cecilia Fredlund & Linda S Jonsson
- Similarities and Differences in the Functions of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) and Sex as Self-Injury (SASI). Linda S. Jonsson, Carl Göran Svedin, Gisela Priebe, Cecilia Fredlund, Marie Wadsby, Maria Zetterqvist.
- Self-reported nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and sex as self-injury (SASI):Relationship to abuse, risk behaviors, trauma symptoms, self-esteem and attachment. Maria Zetterqvist, Carl Göran Svedin, Cecilia Fredlund, Gisela Priebe, Marie Wadsby, Linda Jonsson
- Motives and Manifestations of Sex as Self-Injury (SASI). Cecilia Fredlund, Marie Wadsby, Linda Jonsson
- Self-reported frequency of sex as self-injury (SASI) in a national study of Swedish adolescents and association to sociodemographic factors, sexual behaviors, abuse and mental health. Cecilia Fredlund, Carl Göran Svedin, Gisela Priebe, Linda Jonsson, Marie Wadsby.
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 14:00 Parallel workshops
Room: Skálin, Workshop: Language: English
- Children entering out-of home care (#39). Einar R. Heiervang, Elena Karlsen, Bård Bugge.
- The reality we meet of the children and adolescence in Greenland (#53). Maliina Junge Jørgensen
Room: Norðurstova, Oral presentations. Language: Swedish/English
- Våld mot barn och unga som inte får bestämma över sina egna liv (#26). Åsa Landberg, Carolina Jernbro
- Epidemiologisk forskning om barnmisshandel och andra övergrepp. erfarenheter av forskning inom ett område där register saknas och där ämnet blivit tabu (#28). Eva-Maria Annerbäck
- Child abuse and other potentially traumatic events, posttraumatic stress disorder, fear of childbirth and substance use among pregnant women in Sweden (#5). Anna Persson, Åsa Magnusson.
Room: Dansistovan, Workshop. Language: Swedish
- Stödhelger – en hälsofrämjande och suicidpreventiv intervention för suicidefterlevande barn och föräldrar (#16). Sofia Grönkvist
- Connect föräldrastödprogram – en väg mot tryggare anknytning – vilka är de verksamma komponenterna? (#20). Eva Yamba Yamba, Ove Östling
Room: Høllin, Symposium. Language: Norwegian
” Hvordan opplever ungdom å bli spurt om vold og seksuelle overgrep? Erfaringer fra to pilotstudier i norsk ungdomsskole”
Chair: Gertrud Sofie Hafstad
- UEVO-studien: En web-basert spørreundersøkelse blant norske 12-15 åringer (#51). Gertrud Sofie Hafstad, Else-Marie Augusti, Marianne Bergerud-Wichstrøm, Mia Cathrine Myhre.
- Vold, seksuelle overgrep og kognisjon: En pilotstudie av en kognitiv oppgave i en spørreundersøkelse blant ungdom (#42). Else-Marie Augusti, Mia Myhre, Marianne Bergerud-Wichstrøm, Gertrud Sofie Hafstad.
- Ekspertpanelet i UEVO-studien Hvordan benytte ungdoms kompetanse direkte inn i et prosjekt om og for ungdom? (#58). Marianne Bergerud-Wichstrøm, Gertrud Sofie Hafstad
- Skolehelse.no – et dialogverktøy for helsesøster: Erfaringer fra å strukturert spørre elever i 8. trinn om vold, seksuelle overgrep og andre belastende livshendelser (#25). Mia Cathrine Myhre, Lisbeth Gravdal Kvarme, Åse Sagatun.
14:00 – 14:30 Break
14:30 – 15:30 Keynote presentation: Staffan Jansson og Carolina Jernbro, Karlstads Universitet: “Poly-victimization in vulnerable adolescents”
15:30 – 16:00 Break
16:00 – 17:00 Parallel workshops
Room: Skáli, Oral presentations. Languages: Swedish/Norwegian
- Hälsa hos brottsutsatta barn – En studie vid Barnahus mellersta Skåne, Lund, Sverige (#38). Louise Laurell, Göransson L
- Barn och föräldrars upplevelse av kontakten med Barnhus (#55). Helena Asplund Carlqvistal
- Barn og unges psykiske helse i etterkant av tilrettelagt avhør som fornærmede i vold- og overgrepssaker – en studie fra Statens barnehus Oslo, Norge (#44). Frode Syringen, Else-Marie Augusti, Mia Myhre
Room: Norðurstova, Oral presentations. Language: English
- Youth voices about online sexual harassment (#56). Lina Sjøgren
- Dental examination as a part of forensic evaluation (#21). Unni Mette Stamnes Köpp
- Outcomes of group interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence, 6- and 12 months follow-up of an effectiveness study (#29). Karin Pernebo, Mats Fridell, Kjerstin Almquist.
Room: Dansistovan, Workshops: Language: Swedish/Norwegian
- Han sände snaps till mig om att jag var en hora: Ungdomars digitala våld i nära relationer som könad social praktik (#22). Carolina Øverlien.
- Ny teknologi som hjelpemiddel i arbeidet mot vold (#27). Ane Heiberg Simonsen
Room: Høllin, Symposium. Language: Danish
”Flygtningebørn og seksuelle overgreb. Er det et problem?” (#45).
Chair: Mimi Strange
- ”Det danske sample af børn med sexuelle adfærdsproblemer og/eller krænkende adfærd overfor andre børn” (#45, 1). Mimi Strange
- ”Uledsagede børn og unge flygtninge unge med seksuelt bekymrende adfærd” (#45, 2). Amalie Strange
- ”Uledsagede flygtningeunge: Kan vi undgå seksuelle misforståelser og overgreb? Kulturforskelle, posttraumatisk stress og forskelle i sociale normer omkring seksualitet” (#45, 3). Talli Ungar Felding
17:10 – 18-00 The Mayor of Tórshavn welcomes you to a Get Together in The Lobby at the Nordic House.
Wednesday August 22nd
08:00 – 09:00 Registration and coffee
09:00 – 09:20 The Minister of Social affairs will deliver a speech.
09:20 – 10:20 Panel session
Room: Høllin, Symposium. Language: English.
“In the best interest of the child – the Nordic countries versus the rest of the World?”
Inspired by a BBC documentary
Carolina Överlien – Research leader, Associate Professor
Dag Nordanger – Specialist in clinical psychology, Professor
Elisabeth Gording Stang – Professor LL.D (NO)
Tóra Petersen, Licenced psychologist, PhD (FO)
Mimi Petersen – Lektor, PhD (DK)
Anna Norlén – Director, Licenced psychologist and psychotherapist (SE)
Wanja Sæther – Manager (SE)
10:20 – 10:50 Break
10:50 – 11:50 Parallel workshops
Room: Skálin, Workshop: Language: Swedish
- En del av verkligheten – om barn sexuella övergrepp och nätet (#43). Linda Jonsson, Åsa Landberg.
- Att berätta om sexuella övergrepp- varför är det så svårt? (#46). Åsa Landberg & Linda Jonsson
Room: Norðurstova, Oral presentations. Language: English
- Adolescents’ motives for selling sex in a welfare state – A Swedish national study (#12). Cecilia Fredlund, Örjan Dahlström, Carl Göran Svedin, Marie Wadsby, Linda S Jonsson, Gisela Priebe
- How can teachers be agents of social change through proper knowledge and competence towards children who display harmful sexual behavior in the primary school system?” (#52) Kjersti Draugedalen
- Presentation of NASPCAN Essay Contest Winning study “It is my responsibility, but…..” A qualitative study of how offenders describe sexual assaults against children: Jana Kristin Maack and Anita Stokka Kåven, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Room: Dansistovan, Workshop. Language: Danish/Swedish
- Betydningen af anbringelser for børn og unge på døgninstitutioner i Grønland (#35). Bonnie Jensen
- IHF – intensiv hemmabaserad familjebehandling, en metod för att hjälpa utsatta barn att få en tryggare uppväxt på hemmaplan (#57) Liv Nilhede
Room: Høllin, Oral presentations. Language: English
- Exposure to maltreatment and trauma among young people who sexually offend (#1). Cecilia Kjellgren
- The EU-Turkey deal and the impact on refugee children (#11). Michelle Pace.
- Evidence for a relationship between child maltreatment and absenteeism among high-school students in Sweden (#2). Johan Hagborg, Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke.
11:55 – 12:05 Closing session
Room: Høllin
Chair: Cecilia Kjällgren
- The location for the next Nordic Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect will be presented.
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Participation fee
Booking before the 15.03.2018
Member of the NFBO DKK 3100
Non-Member DKK 3400
Student DKK 1500
Booking after the 15.03.2018
Member of the NFBO DKK 3500
Non-Member DKK 3700
Student DKK 1500
The participation fee includes conference program, conference material, coffee and lunch during the conference hours.
If you have any food allergies please inform us when you register. All transportation to and from the Faroe Islands (by airplane), hotel booking, registration to the conference and the conference dinner can all be done by pressing the Registration button below.
If you have any questions regarding your registration, travel or accommodation booking, please send an email to Fonnflog
If you have other questions or hesitations, please contact Djóni Eidesgaard, chair of the Organisation committee at +298 522011 or by email
To bear in mind.
Once you press the blue button below you have to created a profile and add a “Case” thereafter you have to press the button “Add Participant”.
When all possible selections are made, your registration will say: “In progress”. This means that your registration has been received. Once the bureau has prepared your registration you will get a notification regarding payment.
David Finkelhor is the Director of the Crimes against Children Research Center, Co-Director of the Family Research Laboratory and Professor of Sociology at the University of New Hampshire. He has been studying the problems of child victimization, child maltreatment and family violence since 1977. He is well known for his conceptual and empirical work on the problem of child sexual abuse, reflected in publications such as Sourcebook on Child Sexual Abuse (Sage, 1986) and Nursery Crimes (Sage, 1988). He has also written about child homicide, missing and abducted children, children exposed to domestic and peer violence and other forms of family violence. In his recent work, he has tried to unify and integrate knowledge about all the diverse forms of child victimization in a field he has termed Developmental Victimology. He is editor and author of 11 books and over 150 journal articles and book chapters. He has received grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, and the US Department of Justice, and a variety of other sources. In 1994, he was given the Distinguished Child Abuse Professional Award by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children and in 2004 he was given the Significant Achievement Award from the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers. In summery has been one of the leading researchers in the area for more than 30 years.
Elisabeth Gording Stang is LL.D. from the University of Oslo (UiO), Faculty of Law 2007, with a thesis on the child’s position in child protection cases of preventive measures. She holds several academic positions at the UiO, the Norwegian Institute of Social Research (NOVA), and the Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet, the former Oslo University College) where she is working as a professor of law, affiliated to the child welfare bachelor education. Her area of expertise is children’s rights, and she has 20 years of experiences as a researcher and lecturer within the fields of children’s rights, child protection, family law, immigration law and human rights.
Christine Heim, PhD, is Director of the Institute of Medical Psychology at Charité Center for Health and Human Sciences in Berlin and Professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State University. Professor Heim’s research focuses on the neurobiological consequences of childhood trauma and their relationship to mental and somatic health outcomes. Her results were among the first evidence in humans to suggest that early life trauma is associated with lifelong neurobiological “scars” that increase the risk for developing a range of disorders in adulthood.
Jane Barlow is Professor of Evidence-Based Intervention and Policy Evaluation in the Department of Public Health, and a Professorial Fellow of St Hilda’s College. Prior to moving to Oxford she was Professor of Public Health at Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, and Director of Warwick Infant and Family Wellbeing Unit. In 2007 she was awarded an honorary fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health. She is president of the Association of Infant Mental Health, editor in chief of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH), and a member of PreVAiL (Preventing Violence Across the Lifespan) research network. She has contributed to a number of NICE guidelines and co-chaired the development of the CYP IAPT curriculum 0 – 5 years. Her programme of research focuses on the identification of effective methods of working to improve outcomes for high risk mothers and babies during the perinatal period, and she has undertaken extensive research on the effectiveness of interventions in reducing child abuse and neglect.
Staffan Janson is professor emeritus in Social Pediatrics from Karlstad and Örebro Universities and currently guest professor in pediatrics at Uppsala University, Sweden. He has forty-five years clinical experience as a pediatrician and have headed the national Swedish studies on parental upbringing methods and on young people’s experiences of maltreatment, neglect and humiliation
Carolina Jernbro, PhD, is a senior lecturer in Public Health Sciences at Karlstad university. Her research area is child maltreatment from the perspectives of children and young people with focus on prevalence, health and disclosure.
Scientific Committee
- Chair Scientific Committee. Tóra Petersen. PhD in psychology, authorized clinical psychologist .External researcher at the University of Faroe Islands.
- Tina Dam Rasmussen, Head of Department for Prevention and Social Affairs.
- Carolina Överlien, Associate professor, Norwegian center for violence and traumatic stress studies (NKVTS) and Dept. of social work, Stockholm university.
- Talli Ungar Felding. Authorized psychologist, Cand. Psych., approved by the Danish Psychologists Association as a Specialist and Supervisor in Psychotherapy
- Hrefna Fridriksdottir, professor of law, University of Iceland
- Gertrud Sofie Hafstad, Clinical psychologist, PhD, Senior researcher at the Norwegian centre for violence and traumatic stress studies
- Carl Göran Svedin, Professor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, especially child abuse and neglect, at Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Linköping University, Sweden. Started the treatment unit for abused children BUP-Elefanten and Barnahus Linköping. Actively promoted the development of Barnahus in Sweden. Board member and treasurer in NFBO since the start 1998 and started 2015 the Swedish National Competence in Child Abuse, Barnafrid. Now research leader at Barnafrid.