Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, the Helsinki conference will not proceed in its planned form. However, we are happy to announce that we will offer a one-day virtual NFBO/NAPCAN conference (webinar) on May 25th 2021!

The NFBO/NASPCAN Board has decided to move the meeting to a completely virtual format rather than meeting in person in Helsinki. This is not a decision we made lightly; we spent many hours discussing the pros and cons of meeting in person, rather than going for a fully virtual format.

We concluded that it would not be safe to plan a large gathering of people spring 2021.

Therefore, in place of our traditional meeting will be NFBO/NASPCAN’s first ever virtual meeting.

Our organizing committee has been working hard to translate our traditional meeting experience to a virtual meeting format.

We will do our best to provide our members and other interested with inspiring talks from our keynote speakers.

We also recieved a higher-than-ever number of abstracts for the Helsinki conference, and the orginizing committee is working on a plan for allowing these to be presented in some form. Every one who submitted an abstract will recieved a personal notice rearding this, and further information will be provided on the website.

And, as an added benefit, this NFBO/NASPCAN meeting content will be available for an extended period of time, and registration will be at a lower cost than the in-person meeting.

You will hear more about the plans for the webinar in 2021 in the weeks to come. Follow the NASPCAN webpage for updates on program and registration opportunities.